Waste Not, Want Not

Lately I’ve been feeling pretty convicted about how wasteful I am. I’m constantly getting rid of things that I probably shouldn’t have bought in the first place — for me, for the kids, for the house — whatever. I think the thing that gets wasted most in this house is food. I’m the only one that really likes leftovers. It’s hard to gauge how much to cook because sometimes my kids eat like birds, and sometimes they eat like starving wildebeests. But as long as I get the spoiled food out of the fridge and into the garbage on trash pick up day, I don’t give it another thought. I know it doesn’t disappear. I know that there are landfills overflowing with all of our nasty crap. Truth be told, I don’t want to think about it.

I guess I’m thinking about it now because a) reading Mare’s Blog reminds me of just how much more we have in comparison to other parts of the world, and b) reading Matt’s Blog (The Church of No People) reminded me of an episode of Dirty Jobs that is, in a word, unforgettable. (Please note that Matt’s blog post had absolutely nothing to do with being wasteful, he just mentioned Mike Rowe and my ADD mind lead me here.) I’m not a squeamish person. But there was something about the following video that literally made me shudder. Like the farmer says in the video, “You get a whole new appreciation for the term: Waste not, want not.” Enjoy the video. It is equal parts disgusting and hilarious. Also, Mike Rowe is pretty dreamy, even if he is covered in pig slop.

P. S. – Just as an indication of how truly immature I am, I tivoed this episode and watched it over and over again like some 13 year old boy watching reruns of “Jack*ss”. Furthermore, if someone came over, I would make them watch it. My introduction would go something like this: “This is totally disgusting. You have to see it!…Wait, do you want to watch it again?”

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