Dear God:

Dear God:

Thank you for Pat. I suppose we were unlikely friends, what with our differences in age, background, etc. But the Body of Christ is like that, isn’t it? It matters not how vast our differences may be on the surface. When we share a love for Jesus, most things don’t really seem to matter.

Thank you for showing me through Pat that all things can be used for your glory. That something like a loss of a leg because of illness might appear at first to be a curse, then turn out to be an incredible blessing.

Thank you for:

  • her infectious laughter
  • her love of me and my family
  • her cinnamon rolls
  • her gift of gab
  • her generosity and thoughtfulness
  • her creativity
  • her wicked sense of humor
  • her wonderful family that she shared with us all
  • her servants heart
  • her friendship through good times and not so good times

I know that she is with you now. I’m missing her right now, but I know she is dancing with the angels. And probably cracking them up.

Goodbye my friend. Until we meet again. I love you.

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