Neruda’s Memoirs
I’ve often said that I don’t “get” poetry. I’ve often read it thinking that I’m just not smart enough or deep-thinking enough to understand the deeper meaning behind the words. Then I came across a blog called Writing without Paper written by Maureen Doallas. I read a few poems by her, and I felt like I thought I understood what they were saying, but I wasn’t sure. I still felt out of place. But Maureen assured me that I did understand. She made me realize that one poem can mean different things to different people. That was incredibly liberating for me, and I’m so grateful for that little gift of realization.
I am very pleased to announce that T. S. Poetry Press has published Maureen’s first book of poems, Neruda’s Memoirs: Poems, “Intimate yet restrained, Doallas’s poems are like love notes that bear grief, struggle, and history—laced with delightful surprises of wit and hope.” (From the product description on Amazon.) I can’t wait to get my hands on this book! Maureen’s poems have the ability to touch the soul of both the avid poetry reader and people like me who are still a bit intimidated by poetry and poets.
Maureen has given me permission to post one of her poems here. I’m pretty sure it was selected with me in mind, because I can completely relate to the subject matter:
Hazardous Duty: Ode to my Kitchen
I have no taste
for the violence
my kitchen demands of meto squeeze and score
fillet and fry
flash-freeze and meltground grind and grill
mash whip whisk
or beat till stiff.I conscientiously object
to chopping things to bits
when it’s enoughto simply pare away peel back
or toss and throw together
what’s simmered steamed or stewed.But ask me for my recipes
and I’ll tell you:
not just any Bloody Mary will do.
For a sneak peak at some of the other poems in Neruda’s Memoirs, visit the Facebook Page here. I especially loved What it’s Like, a poem about the feeling of loss of a loved one.
I have decided to give away a copy of Maureen’s book of poetry. Simply leave a comment letting me know you would like to be entered in the drawing. I will select a winner at random next Thursday and contact the winner via email.
Congratulations, Maureen. You’ve been such a great source of encouragement for me and so many in the online community, and it is my hope that I can return the favor in some small way.
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