The katdish ultimate Christmas shopping guide, Part 2
In my first post in this series, The katdish ultimate Christmas shopping guide, Part 1, I introduced you all to the Forever Lazy, which is basically a onesie for adults. Incidentally, it is also available in the Bed, Bath & Beyond sales circular:
Today, I’d like to peruse the BB&B circular with you and point out some of the more interesting gift giving options therein.
First up, the Sound Asleep Pillow:
This pillow comes with a built-in speaker and 46″ stereo cable to attach to your ipod or other electronic listening device.
“The Sound Asleep pillow is the perfect gift for teens who are too old for toys, a husband who already has everything, college students who need a restful night’s sleep, or anyone who enjoys relaxing to their favorite soothing sounds.”
Finally! A solution to getting a restless night of intermittent sleep without the inconvenience of leaving the television on all night!
Next up is the Babycakes Cupcake Maker:
“This fun cupcake maker comes with everything you need to quickly prepare a batch of delicious mini cupcakes. It makes 8 cupcakes in 5-8 minutes.”
Thank goodness someone has finally come up with a machine that can bake a batch of cupcakes in 5 to 8 minutes. Because the 17 to 22 minutes it usually takes to bake them is like an ETERNITY! Besides, I have tons of space in my “electronic kitchen gadgets I never use” cabinet since I got rid of my George Foreman grill.
The Babycakes Mini Cupcake Maker: coming soon to a garage sale near you.
I’ll be honest. I’ve never really understood the appeal of this next item: The Lazy Susan Fondue Set
“This innovative fondue set features a Lazy Susan style base that allows users to rotate the bowls around the fondue pot to make sampling easy and fun.”
Fondue sets are seen almost exclusively at parties, and frankly, the concept mirrors the double-dip chip scenario made famous on Seinfeld. When you stick that little fork into the community dipping sauce, it’s like you put your entire germ infested mouth into the pot for others to share.
In the famous words of Hall & Oates,
“I can’t go for that. No, no. No fondue.”
The final item on my list is a product that is sure to be under many-a Christmas tree this year. What do you get someone who has everything that you budgeted spending approximately 100 bucks on?
Why, the Soda Stream Genesis Soda Maker, of course.
“SodaStream Genesis Soda Maker turns water into soda in seconds. Just fizz, flavor and enjoy. It is quick and easy. With SodaStream you’ll save on lugging, storing and disposing of bottles and cans of store-bought soda. You can fizz and flavor to your taste, without high fructose corn syrup or aspartame. Sweetened with Splenda®. Enjoy regular, diet soda and energy drinks, or create your own seltzer or flavored sparkling water.”
I don’t drink a lot of soft drinks, but I’m pretty particular about which ones I like. Okay, I pretty much only drink Diet Coke. I’m not inclined to drink Diet Pepsi, let alone diet “cola”. But I suppose if you have a hankerin’ for making your own soda, this is the product for you. Especially considering how difficult it is to find ready made carbonated beverages:
Then again, in the event of a zombie apocalypse, owners of the Soda Stream Genesis Soda Maker will probably mock those of us who didn’t stock up on store bought carbonated beverages. That is, until the zombies take their flavoring packets. Then we’re all in the same boat.
Merry Christmas, happy shopping, and don’t forget your 20% off coupon!
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