Clap out
We line both sides of the hallway: parents, teachers, administrators and students ranging from pre-school to 4th grade. Many have signs, some carry pom-poms made in their classrooms specifically for this event. It’s a big deal, this annual tradition at the elementary school. I attended my first one four years ago.
Today will be my last.
The first song signifying this momentous occasion begins blaring from the school PA system: “We are the Champions”.
Then the applause carries down the hallway like the wave at a baseball game.
It’s the last day of school, and the last day of elementary school for the fifth graders who parade down the hall as we all applaud and high five them. It’s a very small version of what it must be like to be in a ticker tape parade.
It matters not if the kid was an honor roll student or barely passing. Whether they were popular or an outcast. Most walked proudly on their own two feet, still others were pushed in wheel chairs or even carried by teachers.
Each and every one of them was cheered on equally and enthusiastically.
Each and every one of them was a champion today.
I hope they carry this day with them always.
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