It’s pub day for Mockingbirds
If you were to ask me what my favorite bird is, I would tell you it’s a mockingbird. Not only because they’re the State Bird of Texas, but also because they’re fierce, they eat insects, and not only do they have their own beautiful song, but can mimic the songs of many other birds. Heck, I’ve even heard some mimic the sound of a car alarm (which wasn’t so beautiful).
I also love mockingbirds in literature. Three great books come to mind:
Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird
Karen Spears Zacharius’s The Silence of Mockingbirds (A book that will break your heart in all the right places.)
And, of course…
Billy Coffey’s When Mockingbirds Sing
I’m honored to say that I count two of these three great authors as friends.
And friendship has its privileges.
Which is why I’m excited to be able to offer to some lucky commenter a FREE copy of When Mockingbirds Sing.
But not just any free copy.
A free copy signed by the Hillbilly Hemingway himself:
Billy Coffey
In case you’ve not heard anything about the book as yet, here’s a great trailer from Thomas Nelson that sums it up nicely:
Ah, but nothing worth having is free, is it? Well, this is mostly free. All I’m asking is that you help spread the word:
Tweet about it using the hashtag #WhenMockingbirdsSing by @billycoffey
Tell all your Facebook friends.
Tell all your non-virtual friends.
Tell people you see in your local bookstore (it’s in the Christian Fiction section)
Tell complete strangers at traffic lights.
Then come back here and let me know you helped get the word out, and I’ll put all the names in a hat (metaphorically speaking–I’ll use a random number generator) and choose a winner on Friday, June 14.
Billy’s got lots of links and whatnot over at his place. You can find them HERE
Good luck and thanks so much for your help!
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