A Trip to Sam’s Club: Part One
I went to Sam’s Club yesterday. For those of you who are unfamiliar with Sam’s Club, it’s a big warehouse store that sells things in bulk. Just picture a Walmart store on steroids. I’m not one to buy many things in bulk, but you can never have too many paper towels and rolls of toilet paper. You NEVER want to run out of toilet paper! I also needed to get some communion supplies for Convergence Christian Church. I know I haven’t blogged about it, but we’ve been meeting as a core group since July, and began meeting on Sunday mornings (and evenings) on August 3. It is our practice to celebrate communion each Sunday.
We have been using the disposal type communion with the wafer (Styrofoam) and grape (rancid) juice (diluted) conveniently wrapped in one container. We have priced traditional communion trays, but have decided to hold off on this particular purchase. I have also come to the realization that those gold trays must actually be made of gold, because they are priced accordingly.
I am now three paragraphs into the post and haven’t even mentioned what I originally intended to write about. (Shocking, I know.) But that cool. I’ll save it for another post. (It’s really good, so check back!) I’ve gone too far down this rabbit trail to turn back now. I’ll let you know how the little one ounce containers work out. Our worship begins in a mere 4 hours. And since Sunday morning services are currently being held at la casa, I need to check the floors for dog poop and put the coffee on. I can’t wait!
Whether you are meeting at a church of 5000 or 5 today, or no church at all, may you experience the power of worship that brings you into His presence and — above all — glorifies His Holy Name. Because despite what you may have been lead to believe by Larry LaPrise, noted lyricist of “The Hokey Pokey”, THAT’s really what it’s all about…
And speaking of Larry LaPrise, I came across this obit while researching this blog post:
What with all the sadness and trauma going on in the world at the moment, it is worth reflecting on the almost unnoticed death of a very important person. Larry LaPrise, the man who wrote “The Hokey Pokey”, died peacefully at home. He was 93. The most traumatic part for his family was getting him into the coffin. They put his left leg in… and then the trouble started.
Thanks for indulging my silliness (again). Be blessed!