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In like a lion

Screen Shot 2014-03-10 at 11.18.28 PMThis month is chock full of book releases. Among these books are authors whom I also consider friends. Virtual friends, but friends none the less.

I’ve been at this blogging thing for just shy of six years.

Six years.

What began as simply a way to transfer my long, annoying comments from other people’s websites onto one of my own has turned into so much more. Blogging has introduced me to so many amazing, wonderful people and has changed my life in ways I never expected.

If you were to suggest to me that I would be involved, even in a small way, in the career trajectory of people who actually make money from writing, I would have laughed and told you to get your prescriptions refilled. Who knew that this lifelong lover of stories would morph into a lover of storytellers and an immense respect for their craft?

Writing is easy. Writing well is an art form.

The list of favorites is long and varied, but this month I’d like to highlight some of my favorites.

Screen Shot 2014-02-13 at 2.17.06 PMToday is Billy Coffey’s day. His fourth novel, The Devil Walks in Mattingly is released to public today. It is by far my favorite book he’s published to date, and I’ve probably read everything he’s published, usually multiple times. To read a story of 90,000+ words and not tire of it or its author just goes to show the immense talent of said author. It’s a talent I recognized (along with many others who visited and continue to visit his website) over 5 years ago, and it is a talent that still surprises me on a fairly regular basis.

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Later this week, I’ll introduce you to another favorite: the lovely and talented Amy K. Sorrells and offer you the opportunity to win an autographed copy of her debut novel, How Sweet the Sound along with some delicious southern goodies. Stay tuned.

But for now, I’ll ask you to hop on over to Billy’s place and find out where you can pick up his latest and greatest. (I’ll be giving away an autographed copy of his book as well, but you’ll have to wait until next week for that.)

On a personal note, I want to thank you for stopping by my little corner of the blogosphere, either for the first time or the hundredth.  I don’t say it often enough, but I sincerely appreciate you taking the time to do so.

The perfect swing

I come from a family of golfers. Me? I’ve never played nor have I ever been inclined to do so. I’ve always shared Rosie O’Donnell’s opinion of golf: “Golf is not a sport. Golf is people in ugly pants walking.” (It should be noted that I don’t share the vast majority of Rosie’s opinions, just that one.)

My son took to golfing at an early age. He has what family members and more than one seasoned golf professional have called a perfect, natural swing. I’ll have to take their word for it. I wouldn’t know one if I saw it, although I will say his golf swing is a thing of beauty. He can drive the ball 280-300 yards on a fairly consistent basis. Which is pretty impressive for a 13 year old. Or so I’ve been told.

But natural ability is not enough.

Excellence requires persistence and dedication.

Persistence and dedication comes from a passion to pursue a goal.

My son isn’t interested in playing golf right now, and because of cutbacks in school programs next year, there will be no golf team to try out for. No short term goal to strive for.

I hope my son takes up golf again someday soon, not because I want him to, or his dad or his grand dad or his aunts and uncles want him to.

But because he wants him to.

“Nothing in the world can take the place of perseverance. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent.”

~ Calvin Coolidge


This post has been part of the One Word at a Time Blog Carnival: Swings, hosted by the lovely and talented Peter Pollock. Please visit his site to read more posts on the topic or link up one of your own at