katdishionary, Part 11

That’s right, people! This is the 11th installment of the never-ending series of blog fodder known as the katdishionary. As I mentioned in my last installment, all previous katdishionary words are compiled for your convenience on the tab marked “katdishionary”. Um, except this one.

But I’ll get around to it eventually…

And now, on with the katdishionary:

emoticonaphobia (pronounced E-mo-ti-kon-a-fo-b-ah)

Definition: a condition stemming from my extreme reluctance to use any and all emoticons. Which is not to say I particularly mind anyone else use them (much). Use your words, people! There is one notable exception to this self-imposed rule however:

( I ) – Yes, that is a butt.

Origin: Oh, who knows? Blame it on my blatent non-conformity streak.

hectelegance (pronounced hekt-el-a-gance)

1) a form of hectic elegance.
2) elegance at the speed of light, or getting the family dressed for church on Sunday.
3) elegance for the heck of it.

Origin: A twitter conversation which began when I asked @Brian_Russell how he would describe my blog (instead of “a wordpress blog”). His initial response was “hectic”, but he thought that sounded negative. Hence, the word “hectelegance”. At this point @gyoung9751 joined the conversation and added definitions 2 and 3. A first for the katdishionary. Congratulations, gentlemen. That’s lawsome.

HHPC human hair pincushion (pronounced H-H-P-C)

Definition: A pincushion stuffed with HUMAN HAIR.

Origin: My childhood. My mother is an excellent seamstress. According to her, stuffing a pincushion with human hair helps keep the pins and needles sharp. (What did I know? I was a mere toddler.) This particular pincushion has been in her posession since she made it back in the early 70s. Yes, people…she still has it. (The pieces are starting to come together, aren’t they?)

lazy book whore (pronounced la-zee-book-hoar)

Billy Coffey: not a lazy book whore

Definition: an author who writes one or two best selling books followed by several nominally crafted books which sell well because of his initial success.

Origin: While I first used the term “lazy book whore” here in the post Why I hate writing, Part 4, the term was originally coined by Billy Coffey in an email conversation.

mantastic (pronounced man-ta-stik)

Michael Perkins sports a mantastic winter beard

Definition: the state of being fantastically masculine.

Origin: Hmmm…I’m not sure when I started using that one. Probably around the time my friend Helen at Random Musings was lobbying for a pink honorary man card. (Incidentally, I’m pretty sure there’s no such thing as a pink man card. Honorary or otherwise.)

 rantpiling (pronounced rant-pi-ling)

Definition: the practice of writing and then saving blog posts where I rant incessantly about one thing or another. (I’ve gotta a lot of issues, people!)

Origin: Yet another conversation on the twitter wherein @kelybreez warned me against the practice of rantpiling, which he claimed causes high blood pressure and might possibly be communicable in some cases.

So there you have it folks. Yet another ridiculous entry into the never-ending blog fodder known as the katdishionary.

Sorry/you’re welcome!

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