Memories from the road
When I saw that the topic for the One Word at a Time Blog Carnival was “Road”, it reminded me of the last family road trip I took in November. And since many of us are planning some sort of road trip this summer, I thought it might be fun to revisit a post I wrote back in November. Sorry/you’re welcome.
Overheard on the way to Alabama
Happy day after Thanksgiving everyone! I’m enjoying a very relaxing extended weekend at one of my favorite places in the world: the beach. It matters not which beach, as long as I can sink my feet in where earth meets water, I’m happy. On this particular occassion, I find myself in Gulf Shores, Alabama. It is beautiful and relaxing and wonderful. It’s also a 9 hour drive from my house.
Despite the DVD player, gameboys, iPods and books, nine hours is a long time for four people and a dog to spend in a car together without some interesting bits of conversations arising. The following are just a few snippets from said conversation on Wednesday:
“I have to go to the bathroom.” (Baytown, TX)
“I have to go to the bathroom.” (Beaumont, TX)
“I have to go to the bathroom.” (Orange, TX)
“You just went to the bathroom.”
“I couldn’t go last time.”
“I hope he’s not getting a bladder infection.”
“OH MY GOSH! I’m fine. How embarrassing…”
“Are we in Louisiana yet?”
“We’ll be in Louisiana in about 10 miles.”
“Are we in Louisiana yet?”
“In about 8 miles.”
“We’re in Louisiana.”
“How long until we get to Mississippi?”
“I have to go to the bathroom.”
“You’ll have to wait awhile. There’s no place to stop.”
“Were you able to pee the last time we stopped?”
“OH MY GOSH! Yes, Mom! How embarrassing.”
“Okay. Just checking. I wish you and your sister would coordinate your bathroom breaks a little better.”
“We’re in Mississippi.”
“Why is it called Mississippi?”
“I’m not sure. You should Google that on the computer.”
“What’s the state bird of Mississippi?”
“Don’t know.”
“What’s the state tree of Mississippi?”
“Don’t know.”
“What’s the…”
“Don’t know anything about Mississippi. Google it.”
“How long until we get to Alabama?”
“When we get there. And we’re playing the quiet game until we do.”
“What are we doing for dinner?”
“We’re going to Bea’s condo. She’s making dinner, but we’re going to drop off our stuff at the cottage we’re staying at first.”
“How long until we get to Bea’s condom?”
So, what did y’all do for Thanksgiving?
This repost is part of the One Word at a Time Blog Carnival: Road, hosted by the lovely and talented Peter Pollock. For more posts on this topic, please visit his website,
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