Letting go
A subtle state of melancholy comes over me as I sense things must soon come to an end.
That spark of excitement which comes with new relationships has deepened into something more; something that while in the throws of the excitement of adventure I temporarily lost myself in.
And while I’m just enough of a romantic to believe that not all good things must come to an end,
I’m enough of a realist to know that most good things do.
While I was at once rushing through with break-neck speed, impatient and excited to know what would happen next,
I’ve slowed down now.
Savoring each moment.
Wanting to glean the depth of everything.
Of what it all means.
For me.
For you.
And as the adventure draws to a close, there is regret.
But there is also gratitude.
For a story well told…
I close the book.
And look forward to the next adventure somewhere in the stack of books on my nightstand.
That’s what good writing does…
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