Katdishionary Part 8
Ah, yes gentle reader. It is once again time for another installment of the epic and never-ending series of blog fodder known as the katdishionary. For your convenience, I have combined all previous posts in one place. (See the katdishionary tab) If there are other words you have observed me using that have yet to make it into the katdishionary, please feel free to share them in the comments section of that page. And as always, sorry/you’re welcome.
And now, on with the katdishionary:
Awesome Cat – (pronounced: Ah-sum-kat)
Definition: Awesome Cat defies definition. He is awesome. The end.
Origin: My friend Shaun sent me the picture, which he found on Digg. As soon as I saw it, I knew Awesome Cat must be the unofficial mascot of the brain trust that is the Fellowship of the Traveling Smartypants.
Badgertastic – (pronounced ba-jer-ta-stik)
Definition: Very definitively and enthusiastically having to do with badgers.
Origin: Sleep Talkin’ Man Blog – a blog that chronicles the nocturnal ramblings of a seemingly mild manned English chap by day who tends to get a tad profane whist sleeping: “My badger’s gonna unleash hell on your ass. Badgertastic!” (Note: not suitable for all audiences.)
Example: Did you read SCL’s post about proposed VBS games? My favorite was Badger in a Bag. Badgertastic!
Badger in a Bag – (pronounced: ba-jer-in-a-bag)
Definition: A VBS game concept described as follows: “Let’s hide pieces of caramel in a bag and then put a really angry badger in the same bag. To win, you have to successfully grab a piece of candy from the bag without losing a finger.” ~ Jon Acuff
Origin: Stuff Christians Like Post #275 – Playing Red Rover at VBS
Example: To heck with our liability insurance! Let’s bring badger in a bag back to VBS this year!
Faction – (pronounced (fak-shun)
Definition: A memoir written by a relatively unknown and unpublished author with no ties to celebrities (in or out of rehab) which is rewritten as a novel in order to draw a larger audience.
Origin: Very savvy and smart publishers. (And no, I’m not being sarcastic. It’s brilliant marketing.)
Example: Snow Day by Billy Coffey. Available October 11, 2010 at bookstores everywhere. Buy one. Heck, buy 100. They make great stocking stuffers!
Definition: Acronym for Helen of Random Musings. HRM is used to differentiate Helen when she interviews herself on her blog.
Origin: “I first thought of interviewing myself when Former Governor Blagojevich was causing a media circus by going on any show that would have him claiming that he shouldn’t be impeached because he hasn’t been convicted of a crime. (And that he is innocent, and Rahm Emmanuel should be subpoenaed to testify on his behalf at his impeachment hearing, blaj blaj blaj (sic)….) His antics were driving me crazy, and it occurred to me that by using a split personality as a literary device, I’d be able to demonstrate to people reading just how crazy. My friends liked the interviews and suggested I do them more often, so I have.” – Helen (aka HRM)
Dancing With the Kumquats (My Supermarket Salsa Post)
Midyear New Year’s Resolution Update
Skunkalicious – (pronounced: skun-ka-li-shous)
Definition: The state of not wanting to leave the house due to an excess period between root touch ups which gives me the appearance of wearing an odoriferous rodent on my head.
Origin: Genetics. Asian DNA which causes premature graying. I started going gray in my late 20’s. Sadly, the math gene was not passed on to me.
Example: Sorry. I can’t meet you for lunch today. I’m feeling a bit skunkalicious.
This concludes this edition of the katdishionary. Always a pleasure to educate the internets.