Twitter Update: I am Hunter S. Thompson
Happy Saturday everyone! This week on the twitter, it seems everyone was taking the “Which crazy writer are you?” test. Hardly scientific, but as it turns out I am Hunter S. Thompson. No big surprise there…
The best of me (or not) on the twitter this week:
@CassandraFrear @jpwire My long, flowing mane is in no way due to sea monkey.
But if you’re not already following @billycoffey & @AmySorrells, I would highly recommend doing so. Both very special to me.
I hesitate to do #FF, because I’m not kidding when I say I follow some amazing, wonderful people & I don’t want to leave anyone out.
Me too! RT @curtharding: FF @billycoffey //He has inspired me to write better and more often.
@CassandraFrear You don’t actually think I buy any of that crap do you? (in reply to CassandraFrear @katdish Good morning, you wild and crazy shopper, you.)
@billycoffey You is. (in reply to billycoffey @katdish I am, ain’t I?)
@billycoffey You’re so cultured. (in reply to billycoffey @katdish The only noise I hear at the moment are the voices of my two favorite redneck morning radio folks.)
@amysorrells Well, don’t hurt yourself. (in reply to amysorrells @katdish I mean, it’s a good THING. Although I THINK, too, on occasion.)
@CandySteele Ooo! Do it! (in reply to CandySteele @katdish I think I’m going to have to do a ghetto version of your SkyMall post – called Craigslist. #gotridoflotsacrap)
@CandySteele Thanks. Craptastic is a pretty sucktacular word, isn’t it?
@amysorrells Get that hairbrush out and sing it sister! (in reply to amysorrells “My heart can’t possibly break . . . When it wasn’t even whole to start with . . . ” ~Kelly Clarkson)
The pages are still blank, but there is a miraculous feeling of the words being there, written in invisible ink & clamoring 2 become visible โ Vladimir Nabokov
Dear major dept store: my daughter is 8 yo. Not quite ready to dress like a prostitot. Love, katdish
@JeffHolton You forget I live in Texas. And we’re all rich oil barons here. (in reply to JeffHolton @katdish You couldn’t afford me. Heard of Peggy Noonan? Kurt Vonnegut? Maya Angelou? AMATEURS!!)
@JeffHolton Wait…are you offering? (in reply to JeffHolton @katdish It’s same as “I ghostwrite for Katdish” vs. “She kinda mentioned me on her blog once, sorta.”)
How does one confuse “when I served in Vietnam” with “I never really served in Vietnam”? Just curious…
@SouthMainMuse Gaaaa! (in reply to SouthMainMuse @katdish If you start getting texts from this Tiger — it’s probably him.)
Tiger Woods is now following me. Although me thinks it’s not the golfer.
I wouldn’t know >RT @RachelleGardner: “Nothing sucks more than that moment during an argument when you realize you’re wrong.” #funnyquotes
@arestlessheart ATM? Oh…at the moment. For a minute there I thought you were withdrawing some cash. Which would be quite the multi-task! (in reply to arestlessheart @katdish doin’ okay atm – holding baby, trying to work up energy for the next thing…)
@amysorrells Hello, my little guina pig! How are you this afternoon?
@CassandraFrear Cuz she’s a cowgirl…
@CassandraFrear And @marni71 is going to be shot directly into Jon Bon Jovi
@CassandraFrear You know, @candysteele’s ashes are going to be shot out of a cannon, (in reply to CassandraFrear @katdish @jpwire Almost fell off my chair laughing! // RT @katdish Best part? Thompson’s ashes were fired from a cannon! What a way to go!)
@lainiegallagher It’s your world, Lainie. I’m just trying to live in it. (in reply to lainiegallagher @katdish I know; I can’t believe you even had to ask! :D)
@lainiegallagher Well of course you do! (in reply to lainiegallagher @katdish Yes.)
@lainiegallagher OMGoogle! Did you want a more specific test? (in reply to lainiegallagher Interesting. The quiz says I’m JD Salinger, and that I’ve been hiding for several decades. I haven’t even been alive for “several” decades!)
@jpwire @CassandraFrear Best part? Thompson’s ashes were fired from a cannon! What a way to go!
@CassandraFrear Hunter S. Thompson. So there you go…
Just took “Which Crazy Writer Are You?” and got: Hunter S. Thompson! Try it โ
@redclaydiaries I think it means there is no spoon. (in reply to redclaydiaries @katdish I think it probably means something that u & I have such trouble w google calendar. What it means, I don’t know.)
@PeterPollock @billycoffey would be so proud. Well, maybe not the cookie dough part, but still. (in reply to PeterPollock @katdish I keep meaning to do something but apart from watch 24 and make cookie dough, I’ve not really done anything yet!)
@HeatheroftheEO Oh, he’s all Hey and Howdy to the rest of the world. You have no idea… (in reply to HeatheroftheEO I hope you get paid the big bucks to manage @billycoffey ‘s site. It can’t be easy, dealing w/ that tyrant. (I jest on Monday mornings)
The lottery is a tax on people who are bad at math. ~ Ambrose Bierce
@noveldoctor That’s you, Steve. (in reply to noveldoctor @katdish Just think of me as the cloud that gives the silver lining purpose.)
@noveldoctor sigh… (in reply to noveldoctor My Sbux is overflowing with shiny happy people…or shiny brilliant actors masking fathomless despair.)
@sarahmsalter Antonio the tiny wine steward. (in reply to sarahmsalter @katdish Awwww. So, now who do you hang out with at the grocery store?)
@sarahmsalter Sadly, he is gone. (in reply to sarahmsalter @katdish Say hi to the PCB for me. ๐
Why do I put off grocery shopping until there’s no food in the house? Oh yeah…because I hate grocery shopping.
DH: you’re not wearing flops to church. Son: didn’t the 1st Christians wear flops to church? Me: Snort!
@redclaydiaries Spam bots need love too. (in reply to redclaydiaries @katdish I’ll have u know I love ALL of my followers. Except the unclothed ones.)
@gabbysherri Yes. Heaven forbid Steph dip below the 4800 follow mark. (in reply to gabbysherri @redclaydiaries -Steph- Sorry. I didn’t realize It. I just clicked on your name and saw that you were “unfollowed” by me. Sorry.)
@lainiegallagher I cain’t quit you Lainie! (in reply to lainiegallagher @katdish Must be. ๐ You know you love me!)
@lainiegallagher I’m sure it’s completely coincidental. (in reply to lainiegallagher @katdish Man! How does every person I know come up with the exact same nickname for me? Inconceivable!)
@lainiegallagher I’m doing both Judgey McJudgealot. (in reply to lainiegallagher @katdish are you actually eating with your daughter, or playing on your phone?)
I’m seeing a trend.
Famous last words: No mom, I don’t need a fork.
Pei Wei Asian chicken salad
The picture of stubborness & weinie dogness. @buddylovethedog refuses to do his bidness in the rain.
Just throw that crap away already!
Watching shows like Clean House and Hoarders makes me want to throw things at the TV.
Wow. After 9 am & I’ve yet to hear “There’s nothing to do” yet. Oh, wait. My kids are still asleep.